Cardinal Swim and Tennis Club (“Cardinal”) maintains a tennis ball machine for use by members and the racquet sports staff for member lessons.


Below is important information including rules and instructions for how to use the ball machine. 


Scroll to bottom to pay reservation fee.


Bookings to use the ball machine must be made through online court reservation system by selecting ‘Ball Machine’ for the “Reservation Type”. Only people who have completed a training session and signed a liability waiver are allowed to use the machine. You will be given the code for the lock after completing your training.

Members are expected to pay their fees via credit card at the bottom of this page. Rental rate is $10 per half hour. NOTE: Ball machine may be used during private lessons. This would require a reservation like for all other times for which member must pay for the time used. This would be in addition to fees paid for private lesson.

Member families will be limited to 1 reservation up to 1 hour per day unless there are no other reservations for the machine or court.

Members failing to either make reservations or pay the rental fees will be warned & asked to pay and if behavior continues, their privileges will be revoked. The club will actively monitor usage via the alignment of reservations with use of the access code and payment of rental fees. The shed and assigned court for use of the machine are monitored by video surveillance.

First-time use: Before using the machine for the first time, all members must undergo a training session
and sign a waiver. These waivers will be stored electronically. Contact the Racquet Sports Chair or delegate at least 1 week before intended use. Email:

Liability: Players using the ball machine assume all risk, responsibility and liability for injury or damage to people (including themselves) or property. Neither Cardinal nor its board, employees or contractors shall be held liable in respect of any claims relating to such injury or damage.

By making a booking, and/or using the machine as a member or as a guest, players are deemed to have accepted the terms per our liability waiver.

Juniors aged under 18 may use the machine only if accompanied and supervised by an adult member or the Racquet Sport Staff for Cardinal. Only the adult or coach may actually operate the machine. Non-members may not use the ball machine unless accompanied by a member.

Court conditions: Never use the machine on a wet court or during any form of precipitation. Water and/or wet balls will damage the machine. If it starts to rain, stop play immediately and return the machine to the shed.



The best way to control the machine is through a phone app, and it will be best to download the app before you arrive. Scroll down to the ‘Resources’ section below for the app links. It is possible to use the control panel on the machine if you don’t want to use the phone app, but not as user-friendly.

The machine may only be used on the hard court nearest the shed. Placement of the machine is best just behind the baseline and positioned slightly off center to the left when facing the net. See photo for reference.


  • Don’t allow the extension power cable to trail where it will be a trip hazard.
  • Don’t walk or stand closer than 10 yards in front of the machine when it is turned on; it fires balls with considerable force and could cause serious injury.
  • Don’t reach or look into the ball exit hole without turning the power off and waiting for both wheels to come to a complete stop.
  • Keep a close eye on children on or around the courts.
  • Don’t place balls or foreign objects into the ball hopper while the feeder tray is moving. This could cause a jam and damage the feeder motor.
  • There is a possibility of accidentally hitting a ball into the ball feeding hole – stop the machine and retrieve it if that happens.
  • Be aware that you will have a large number of balls on the court. Move any that end up near your feet.
  • Show consideration to people using the adjacent court: please adjust play as needed to avoid having balls fired into the other court.
  • Only use the balls specially provided for the machine and, before loading them into the machine, ensure they are free of debris (leaves, etc.) that might clog the machine.
  • Youth balls (including red, orange, or green dot balls) should NOT be used in the machine.
  • Treat the machine itself with respect; be gentle when handling and moving it.
  • Be especially careful when moving the machine in and out of the shed. The ramp to get the machine down the step from the shed is not smooth. Lower it carefully as significant bumps could damage it.
  • Court conditions: Never use the machine on a wet court. Wet balls damage the machine and must never be placed in it. If it starts to rain, stop play immediately and return the machine to the shed.
  • At the end of a session, return everything to the shed. This includes the empty machine, all balls on (and outside if applicable) the court being put in the basket provided, and the extension cable rolled up as found.
  • If malfunctions or mishaps occur with the ball machine, please report them promptly to the Racquet
    Sports Chair and/or Racquet Sports staff.

None of us are experts. If anyone learns anything useful, please pass along to the Racquet Sports Chair and/or Racquet Sports staff.


The app is the best way to control the machine. Use the link below to download the App. It is also possible to use the control panel on the machine if you don’t want to use the app.

Website with instructions and videos:
Apple App Store –