Coach in Training Program
The Cardinal Swim and Tennis Club (CSTC) is excited to introduce the Cardinal Coaches in Training Program (CIT). This is a coaching development program geared towards our teenage swimmers who are interested in developing their skills as a future swim coach. The CSTC believes investing in growing our own swimmers into the best coaches they can be, will only strengthen our team in both skill and community, as well as provide a way for our more senior swimmers to assess whether coaching is something that interests them.
The CIT program is a six-week coaches-in-training program which will be offered at least once each swim season, either during winter swim or summer swim or both, depending on interest levels and pool availability. The Cardinal Swim Team Head Coach will lead the swimmers through five weeks of coaching skills development, followed by a final week “graduation” clinic where participating CITs will plan and lead one of the Cardinal swim team practices using the skills they have learned. Each training session will be one hour long.
Participants should expect to learn the following during the program:
- Stroke progression for all four competitive strokes
- Legalities of stroke and turn judging
- Safety in coaching
- Coaching techniques and tips for all age groups
- Practice planning considerations including strategies and drills
- How to run and prep for a swim meet as a coach
To be eligible for the CIT program, participants must be at least a rising 9th grader, should be an active member of the Cardinal swim team, and have at least 4 years of experience swimming competitively either on a summer swim team or 2 years in a year-round program. Participating swimmers must make the commitment to attend the entire program and come to class prepared to swim and to learn.
Swimmers may take the program more than once. Starting with the 2021 swim season, it will be a requirement that all junior and volunteer coaches have completed this program, be currently enrolled in the program, or have equivalent coaching experience in order to apply for a paid or volunteer position. This program will be offered outside of the regular swim team practice sessions starting with a maximum of 8 swimmers participating at one time, on a first come, first serve basis. A minimum of 4 participants registered in a session will be required to run the program. Makeup classes will be scheduled for sessions missed due to weather so that all content will be covered.
Classes will be held Wednesday mornings from 8-9am before the combined practice once school is out, starting June 14th running through July 5th. A 5th class will be determined by the head-coach and participates during the regular season. Make up classes due to weather will be scheduled as needed.
Schedule and course content is as follows:
1st class – Swimmer safety, dive progression, Chirps progression
2nd class – Freestyle & Backstroke
3rd class – Breaststroke & Butterfly
4th class – Individual Medley, Underwaters, Turns
5th class – Lesson and meet planning, Drills, Coaching tips and Graduation clinic planning
**TBD – “Graduation”, Lead the team practice at 9am
The cost to participate in the CIT program will be $55 per participant for sessions held during the summer swim season at the Cardinal Swim and Tennis Club. Please register and make payment using the form at the bottom of the page.
General Info / Questions –